Ancient wisdom can solve a wide range of complaints, but only as long we use it to address the true underlying cause. If we don’t get it right the first time, we may never get a second chance.
How would life be different if we had all the confidence in the world that we can diagnose and successfully treat every patient that walks through our door? What if all of our patients call us a “miracle worker” and constantly refer us more business? And in fact, it’s not a miracle at all, it’s a simple, predictable method based on hard science that guides us through a thorough treatment plan.
Over the centuries many different styles of acupuncture have developed with various theories and techniques. All forms address myofascial pain and poor posture. A National Institute of Health (NIH) abstract, entitled Trigger points and acupuncture points for pain: correlations and implications, found a 71% percent overlap between trigger points and acupuncture points for pain.
Kent Trigger point charts provide a fast and accurate approach to treating patients with myofascial pain. These myofascial trigger points posters are comprehensive, organized, and easy to use. Rather than memorizing every trigger point location and the associated referred pain pattern, the right charts keep that information close at hand, ready to assist. This product will allow you to apply research-based anatomical information to precisely assess, treat, document, and educate patients. Every treatment, you know that you haven’t missed a thing.
Beyond treating pain, we also need tools for identifying the underlying contributing factors. Often, chronic pain is related to daily habits, largely including posture and ergonomics. A posture analysis grid chart makes it simple to measure static and dynamic posture, bilateral symmetry, range-of-motion (ROM), flexibility, and even body composition. Posture photos bring a new meaning to the saying “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Photos help diagnose and treat patients, help educate the patient allowing them to see what’s contributing to their issue. Seeing is believing! Show the results as they are achieved through treatment. It really can be that simple.
When our patients each achieve lasting, sustainable results, everything else in our life and practice seems to fall into place.